Höyrytys delivers backup energy to improve reliability of district heat supply for Tampereen Energia
Tampereen Energia, one of Finland’s largest suppliers of district heating, has signed a backup energy agreement with Höyrytys Oy. With the agreement, Höyrytys undertakes to secure the production of backup heat and steam according to the agreed capacity on a 24/7 basis. According to the agreement, mobile 7.5 MW backup energy equipment can be delivered to the location and connected to Tampereen Energia’s sites to produce energy within a 12-hour response time.
The scope of the agreement includes Tampereen Energia’s steam and district heating systems in the Pirkanmaa region.
A convenient solution and a cost-effective model
According to Paavo Knaapi, Vice President at Tampereen Energia, the main purpose of the backup energy agreement is to further improve the reliability of district heat supply. The agreement was made primarily for situations involving unexpected disruptions, but it can also be a support in pre-planned interruptions, such as repairs to the district heating network.
“We still have our own heating centres for backup energy needs. The agreement with Höyrytys complements the current operating model and brings more security of supply,” Knaapi explains.
Höyrytys can deliver the equipment needed if, for example, a sudden pipe break occurs in the network and the existing arrangements cannot handle the situation. Mobile backup energy may also be needed, for example, during a disruption to one of the current heating centres. Tampereen Energia and Höyrytys already cooperated in the field of backup energy in the previous heating season, and the two companies have now decided to sign a longer agreement.
“Höyrytys has good references and offers a service that meets our needs. The backup energy agreement is a convenient solution and a cost-effective model for us,” sums up Paavo Knaapi.
Aarni Natunen, Production Manager at Höyrytys, highlights how important experience is gained from such a significant partnership.
“It is a pleasure to develop a backup energy service in cooperation with domestic energy companies and industry. Without our contract customers and the valuable practical experiences gained through our cooperation with them, the development and maintenance of our service would not be possible,” says Natunen.
A backup energy agreement based on a monthly fee is the most cost-effective way to ensure backup production capacity if the need for backup energy is low or infrequent. With the help of a backup heat and/or steam agreement, considerable savings can be achieved compared to the acquisition and maintenance costs of similar equipment.