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Backup energy

In the backup energy agreement, we arrange the agreed backup energy production capacity with the operators for round-the-clock delivery readiness in return for the agreed monthly payment.

Backup energy agreement on a turnkey basis

A backup energy agreement based on monthly payments is the least expensive way to invest in backup production capacity. In the backup energy agreement, we arrange the agreed backup energy production capacity with the operators for round-the-clock delivery readiness in return for the agreed monthly payment. Realised production is charged separately if backup energy needs arise.

With a backup energy agreement, you can ensure the availability of mobile backup energy capacity for all your sites, regardless of location, at a competitive price and with a rapid response time. We map and document the existing connection points of the customer in advance and, if necessary, help with their design and construction.

Rapid response for your backup energy needs

We deliver backup energy all over Finland with a response time of less than a day, and our fleet can be on the road in less than an hour from the order. The response time is determined according to the customer’s geographical location, the site’s characteristics and the energy demand. With a backup energy agreement, we ensure that our energy resources are always on standby for emergency situations. 

Cost-efficient backup energy agreements 

A backup energy agreement brings cost efficiency to energy production, especially when the need for backup energy is low. With a backup energy agreement, significant savings can be achieved compared to the acquisition and maintenance costs of similar equipment. Typically, our agreement costs are just 25% of the investment costs of a new plant, in addition to which the costs of maintaining and managing your own production plant must be taken into account. 

Operating model of backup energy agreements


Energy requirements, energy quality, required level of readiness, financial factors. 


Clear agreement offer with monthly pricing, pricing benefits with an agreement. .


Planning and consultation visit to the site, preparation of delivery plans. 


The resources specified in the agreement are reserved for the customer’s needs with the agreed level of readiness. 

Get in touch! 

We ensure the continuity of your production in all situations
rapidly, flexibly and efficiently.
Feel free to contact us and tell us about your needs!