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Backup energy

Our backup energy services offer a safe, flexible, cost-effective and simple solution for additional energy capacity at production plants and for ensuring backup energy.

Backup energy services ensure the continuity of energy production in all situations

We provide a comprehensive service that covers the delivery of mobile steam and heat plants, fuel tanks and electric energy storages for both short-term and long-term energy needs, the operations of which are ensured by our nationwide network of experts and 24/7 maintenance services.

We are capable of delivering tens of megawatts of steam and thermal energy nationwide with a response time of less than a day. We also offer gas engine plants as rental or leasing services that include a service agreement.

In modern energy production, a mobile back-up energy service, electrically powered heat and steam plants, and gas engines utilising gas and hydrogen offer potential solutions both now and in the future.

Backup energy when and where it is needed

We supply backup energy for both short-term and long-term needs, ranging from on-call readiness to basic energy production lasting several years. Thanks to our rapidly movable backup energy fleet, we can offer energy production as a turnkey service, regardless of location. 

Where is backup energy needed?

Backup energy ensures the continuity of production or heating processes in situations where the usual production solution is not sufficient to cover the energy demand. Typical backup energy needs involve, for example,

  • planned or unexpected disruptions in energy production
  • distribution, or the need to temporarily or indefinitely reduce or increase energy production capacity with a flexible service model.

Our backup energy services enable you to ensure the availability of critical energy in changing situations, regardless of time and place. With the help of backup energy, construction can also be done in difficult winter conditions. The steam produced by our backup energy equipment can be used for concrete castings and melting frost, for example.

Why choose our backup energy services?

We offer a comprehensive selection of steam and heat plants for different power classes ready for quick delivery.

The advantages of our service are

  • a fast delivery time
  • a flexible and clear agreement model
  • cost-effective pricing
  • comprehensive usage monitoring and on-call maintenance services throughout Finland.

In accordance with the principles of the circular economy, we consider the potential of reusing decommissioned heat and steam centres and modernise existing equipment for reuse. Our backup energy services make it possible to get rid of backup heat and steam plants that have been left at a low utilisation rate and whose maintenance and service costs are higher than the backup energy solutions we offer.

A backup energy agreement based on a monthly fee is the most cost-effective way to ensure backup production capacity if the need for backup energy is low or infrequent.

Backup energy agreement

In the backup energy agreement, we arrange the agreed backup energy production capacity with the operators for round-the-clock delivery readiness in return for the agreed monthly payment.